Simple things make a big difference at Dąbrówka Orphanage
Apr 13, 2023
Valmet’s global social responsibility program consists of several local programs around the world. In the EMEA area, we support Dąbrówka Orphanage located close to Valmet's office in Jelenia Góra, Poland.
Dąbrówka Orphanage has been operating since 1961 with the aim to educate and meet the necessary living, development, social, health and religious needs for the children living there. Currently, it provides a home for 42 children.
An eye-opening visit
In March, we got the privilege to visit the orphanage together with the Mayor of Jelenia Góra, Jerzy Łużniak. The visit was hosted by the Orphanage Director Katarzyna Lenart-Wyrobek.

Maja Mejsner, Vesa Simola, Riina Niemi, Katarzyna Lenart-Wyrobek, Laura-Maria Saarinen, Agnieszka Chłopeniuk and Ignacy Dumin pictured in front of the Dąbrówka Orphanage.
“Even though most of us didn’t have a common language with the children, it was heart-warming to hear and see how excited everyone was about our visit. As a Valmeteer, it was extremely meaningful to be able to visit the orphanage, as it concretized the importance of our social responsibility program for improving the living conditions of so many children,” Laura-Maria Saarinen, Director, Marketing and Communications, EMEA, says.
The car will improve the wellbeing of the children
The orphanage finds it important to provide the children with a family-like and caring environment including the possibility to go to school, get the necessary health care and participate in free-time activities such as sports organized in the city. To support these targets, Valmet’s donation was used for purchasing a new vehicle to the orphanage.
“For many of us, a car is just a mean of transportation, but for the orphanage it makes a big difference. Among other things, it improves the children’s possibility to participate in educational, sports and other leisure activities – something that further improves the social inclusion and well-being of the children,” Laura-Maria says.
Valmet's global social responsibility program
Valmet has expanded its global social responsibility program initiated in 2020 with new area-specific local projects around the world.
Valmet’s social responsibility program is part of the company’s sustainability agenda implementation. The program is based on three themes promoting science, nature and equal opportunities: ‘Towards the future with science’, ‘Protecting the planet for next generations’ and ‘Equal opportunities for wellbeing’.
Based on these themes, several local projects in Valmet’s operating areas around the world have been selected to the program. Valmet’s local personnel has participated in the planning and preparation of the projects, and the final selection has been made by employee voting.
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